Home Auto Accidents Aggressive Driving Accident

Houston Aggressive Driving Accident Attorney

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Advocating for Houston Residents Injured by Aggressive Drivers

Amidst the active cityscape of Houston lies a significant challenge: aggressive driving—a pervasive issue that not only creates a dangerous driving environment but also poses a real risk to Houston residents every day. With the city’s fast pace and heavy traffic, the risk of aggressive driving incidents is higher than in many other areas.

At DK Law, we understand the unique aspects of Houston’s roadways. We are here to provide the legal guidance and representation you need when you’ve been affected by aggressive driving accidents. Head attorney Darius Khosravian’s impressive accolades, including his membership in The National Trial Lawyers Top 40 Under 40 list and membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, illustrate his dedication to achieving justice for our clients.

Contact DK Law today at (281) 402-8856 for a free consultation to take control of your recovery from aggressive driving accident injuries.

What Constitutes Aggressive Driving?

Aggressive driving is a widespread problem that endangers everyday people driving on our roadways. It encompasses a range of dangerous behaviors that stem from frustration, anger, or recklessness behind the wheel. These behaviors often lead to hazardous situations, jeopardizing the safety of all road users.

Aggressive driving manifests in various forms, and it’s essential to recognize the signs to stay safe on the road. Some common maneuvers and oversights associated with aggressive driving include:

  • Tailgating
  • Excessive speeding
  • Frequent lane changes without signaling
  • Running red lights and stop signs
  • Aggressive gestures or verbal abuse towards other drivers
  • Reckless overtaking
  • Failure to yield right-of-way
  • Failure to obey traffic signs and signals

Accidents Connected to Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving behaviors impair a driver’s judgment and reaction time, significantly increasing the likelihood of accidents. Some of the accidents commonly associated with aggressive driving include:

Penalties for Aggressive Driving

When someone endangers you through aggressive driving, it’s crucial to understand the potential consequences they may face. The legal system takes aggressive driving seriously due to the significant risks it poses to public safety. Here are the penalties that individuals engaging in aggressive driving behaviors could potentially face:

  • Fines: Aggressive driving can lead to traffic violations that may involve hefty fines varying by the severity of the offense and local regulations.
  • License Suspension: Aggressive driving can lead to suspension of the driver’s license for months or even years.
  • Probation: Courts may impose probation for aggressive driving, during which individuals are closely monitored and must adhere to certain conditions. Violating probation can lead to severe consequences.
  • Mandatory Anger Management Classes: To tackle aggressive driving caused by anger or frustration, courts may mandate anger management classes for offenders.
  • Criminal Record: Convictions related to aggressive driving can result in a permanent criminal record, which can have far-reaching consequences, including difficulty finding employment, housing, and even obtaining loans or financial aid for education.
  • Jail Time: In some instances, aggressive driving can lead to substantial jail sentences, significantly disrupting the offender’s life.

Determining Liability and the Role of Your Houston Car Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured by an aggressive driver, your Houston personal injury lawyer can lead the charge on various issues, including establishing liability, identifying fault parties, shielding you from blame-shifting, negotiating with insurers, and assessing your case’s value with expert assistance.

Liability for Houston aggressive driving accidents is determined based on the negligent actions of the driver. In some cases, aggressive driving incidents can result in criminal charges, such as reckless driving or even assault with a vehicle. There may be an overlap between civil lawsuits seeking compensation for injuries and criminal prosecution of aggressive drivers.

The outcome of any potential criminal proceedings can significantly impact aggressive driving claims. If the driver is convicted of a criminal offense, it can serve as strong evidence of their liability in a civil lawsuit.

Houston Auto Accident Attorneys Who Go the Distance

At DK Law, we have a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding aggressive driving cases. Our Houston car accident attorneys have a track record of success and are committed to achieving justice for our clients.

Don’t let aggressive driving incidents steer your life off course—contact DK Law for assistance. We’ll drive a hard bargain for you, and your initial consultation is free. Contact us today at (281) 402-8856, and let us navigate the legal road to justice together.

Additional Information

“DK Law is a great firm. Would trust them with any case. Very professional and knowledgeable about what is in client’s best interests.”
- Lea T.